Must reads to recognize & heal complex ptsd

Why it’s important to focus on what you want
Many of us tend to focus on what could go wrong in a given situation and that makes sense when you have a history of things being taken away from you.

How to make decisions from your highest self
If you’ve had a traumatic past, you find it difficult to make decisions. Instead of a calm, centered place, your choices are made from a sense of urgency.

Let’s talk about love
When the people who were supposed to love you didn’t, you feel like love is scarce, hard to get, and confusing.
But love is the most natural thing in the world.
How to stop dimming your light and 3 reasons you do
Do you ever dim your light or play small in order to feel accepted by others? Have you ever pretended to be less than what you really are because you had the feeling that belonging meant dumbing that down?

How to not should on yourself while you heal
Tara Brach is a mindfulness teacher and psychologist who says when you should on yourself, you argue with reality. The word ‘should’ shows a lack of acceptance and a disconnection with yourself.

How to stop feeling triggered about being responsible for healing
Have you been told you’re responsible for healing after trauma? For example, someone says it’s not your fault what happened to you, but it’s your responsibility to heal from it.

How to stop catastrophizing and improve your life
Catastrophizing means expecting the worst when something bad happens. It could be a coping mechanism learned in childhood to help you regulate your emotions.

How to stop wishing things were different to be happy
Oprah Winfrey says forgiveness means “giving up the hope that the past could be any different.” We hold ourselves back when we keep wishing things were different, either now or in the past.

How to overcome exhaustion from standing up for yourself
If you grew up in a family like mine, you probably never learned the art of standing up for yourself. In fact, you learned the opposite: how to suppress your needs in favor of others.

How to use mindfulness to overcome childhood trauma
Mindfulness has played a pivotal role in helping me overcome the symptoms of my unmet childhood needs. Many think of silent meditation when they hear the word. But it is far more accessible than that.

Dealing with disappointment when you feel let down
Self compassion invites us to sink into our feelings rather than pushing them away or shaming ourselves. Through mindful self compassion practice, I’ve recently come to terms with the role of disappointment in my life.

How to stop expectation from ruining your life
It’s often said that comparison is the thief of joy, and expectation is the close cousin to that robber. Rather than comparing yourself to others, you compare reality to what could have been and feel you come up short.

How to kick your inner critic to the curb
You may be surprised to learn your inner critic is often the internalized voice of your parents and caregivers.

How to overcome suppressed anger and why it's dangerous
Much of the self-help advice out there seems to advocate suppressed anger. They bypass this important emotion and go straight to forgiveness instead.

How to use meditation to shift your hard work mindset
I know from experience that the best things in my life never came from hard work. And when I started a morning meditation practice (literally sitting there doing nothing), money began to appear.