Must reads to recognize & heal complex ptsd

How to Remember Joy When You Had a Traumatic Childhood
Advice to remember childhood to connect with joy or creativity is common in the self-help space. It ignores the fact that many of us come from traumatic childhoods.

How To Heal From A Narcissistic Mother: 9 Proven Ways
In this article, we’ll cover 9 ways to heal from a narcissistic mother from someone who’s been there. Plus, the most common signs of a narcissistic mother.

How to overcome emotional neglect from childhood
This article will help you overcome emotional neglect by explaining what it is, the signs you struggle with it, and healing strategies to move you forward.

Daughters Of Narcissistic Mothers: How To Cope And Heal
Are you among the growing number of women realizing they’re daughters of narcissistic mothers? If so, this post will give you clarity and strategies to cope.

How Narcissistic Parents Make you Prone to Toxic Relationships
Many of us who were raised by narcissistic parents find ourselves in toxic relationships in work, friends, and romance. That doesn’t mean you’re codependent.

How to Know It’s Narcissistic Abuse: 7 Signs
7 tactics common to narcissistic abuse. Depending on the nature of the relationship and the level of narcissism, you may experience some or all of these.

When You Crave Intense Energy Due to Childhood Trauma
When you grow up in a dysfunctional home, there can be lots of chaotic and intense energy. This can lead you to become accustomed to this type of environment and people.

Learning to Love Again After Betrayal Trauma
Betrayal trauma causes so much damage because it’s inflicted by those we depend on for food, shelter, love, or safety. That’s why it’s difficult to let them go.

Toxic families don’t do this important thing
Toxic families can experience high conflict, but they rarely do so in a way that promotes growth or intimacy. That means they rarely say what they mean or feel.

When toxic parents are not all right or wrong
When you finally admit you have toxic parents, you feel confused when you remember good times. But, no one is all good or all bad, and all human beings have nuance.

Why your happiness depends on feeling worthy of love
Do you feel worthy of love? Chances are, if you grew up in a dysfunctional home, you will not.
Much of your happiness depends on how worthy of love you feel.

How to stop lying to yourself that you're okay
As a Gen X , I relate to the lack of care and attention that was emblematic of my generation. But, I’m not lying to myself that it made me a better person.

How to know your relationship struggles come from childhood
Relationship struggles can leave you feeling confused, baffled, and lonely. You wonder why the same patterns keep repeating or if there’s something wrong with you.

How to stop being strong
Being strong is another symptom of growing up in a dysfunctional home. When emotions or mistakes are viewed as weaknesses, you man (or woman) up to survive.

Why letting go of toxic people improves your whole life
You may have heard the value of letting go of negative feelings. But have you considered letting go of those people who create misery in your life instead?