Must reads to recognize & heal complex ptsd

How to parent when you have complex PTSD
I’ve received countless questions about the challenges of being a parent with complex PTSD. How do you avoid making the same mistakes your parents did?

How to know you have a narcissistic mother wound
When Christina Crawford wrote about her abusive mother, Joan, in Mommie Dearest, several celebrities came out in defense of the actress.

How to overcome maladaptive daydreaming
Many people who experienced childhood trauma learn to avoid painful feelings by escaping into fantasies or maladaptive daydreaming. I didn’t realize it at the time, but my reality was too painful to bear, so I escaped into daydreaming instead.

How to ask for what you want without feeling guilty
Do you have trouble asking for what you want without feeling guilty? There are likely some good reasons for that which extend back to childhood.

How to overcome the trauma of feeling invalidated
According to Bessel van der Kolk, trauma happens when we feel unseen or unknown. He wrote one of the most seminal books on the subject, The Body Keeps the Score.

How to overcome black and white thinking
One of the many outcomes of childhood trauma is black and white thinking. This is the all or nothing mentality that leaves no room for two things to be true at once.

How to know your window of tolerance
If you’re on a trauma healing journey, you may have heard the term “window of tolerance”. The concept, developed by Dan Siegel, refers to nervous system responses.

How to remedy a poor sense of self
One of the tragic outcomes of childhood trauma is a poor sense of self. When no one helps you understand yourself, that self has difficulty developing.

Why you expect the worst (and how to stop)
The first therapist I ever saw gave me a book called Learned Optimism. This after finding out I suffered from a chronic need to expect the worst out of every situation.

How to regain your sense of self when you think it's lost forever
One of the outcomes of childhood emotional neglect is a lost sense of self. You may feel like you’re not sure who you are or what you stand for.

How to improve your life through the act of self-awareness
Did you know self-awareness is the key to changing your life? But many of us who grew up in abusive or neglectful homes lack this basic component of a satisfying life.

How to love your inner child after insecure attachment
Insecure attachment means we didn’t receive the care and protection we needed as children, and lost touch with our playful side.

What are emotional flashbacks and how to deal with them
Emotional flashbacks are different from the flashbacks we associate with PTSD. Rather than visual and auditory reminders of a specific event, emotional flashbacks are more of a feeling.

How to overcome procrastination that stems from childhood trauma
You’ve probably heard the common advice around procrastination. You need better habits and more willpower, or “just do it”.

How to overcome visibility fears after childhood trauma
If you come from a background of childhood abuse and neglect, visibility might seem harder for you than for others. It’s more than a matter of introvert vs. extrovert tendencies, or simply getting over yourself.