Must reads to recognize & heal complex ptsd

Learning to Love Again After Betrayal Trauma
Betrayal trauma causes so much damage because it’s inflicted by those we depend on for food, shelter, love, or safety. That’s why it’s difficult to let them go.

How to know your relationship struggles come from childhood
Relationship struggles can leave you feeling confused, baffled, and lonely. You wonder why the same patterns keep repeating or if there’s something wrong with you.

How to understand devastating relationship patterns
Do you repeat relationship patterns? Even when you tell yourself you’ll never make the same mistake? That’s because you still have something to learn from that pattern.

How to know when chemistry is a trauma bond
Did a parent make you feel as though you had to strive to win their love? This primes you to feel attraction or trauma bond to people who treat you the same.

How to attract the right people into your life
There’s a saying that your level of success and satisfaction in life is dependent on your ability to attract the right people into your life.

Signs you're in a fantasy relationship and how to stop
If you grew up with childhood emotional abuse and neglect, relationships of all kinds may baffle you. In romance you skip the getting to know you phase and propel yourself into a future of undying devotion.

How to stop needing closure after a toxic relationship
When a relationship ends, people often seek closure. When you leave someone due to their toxicity, freedom is often not enough. In fact, you cannot feel free without answers to lingering questions.

How to deal with a narcissist or toxic person
Much of the self-help advice out there seems to advocate suppressed anger. They bypass this important emotion and go straight to forgiveness instead.

Hoovering: how to overcome the narcissist's tactic
Hoovering is a term named after the vacuum cleaner brand. It describes the narcissist’s attempts to “suck” you back in after you’ve separated or they sense you detaching from them.

Why you stay in an abusive relationship with family
I received a message from a reader that described her mother’s abusive behavior. Despite having reached her 30s this woman continued to live with her mother and endure the abusive relationship.

How to spot parental alienation and avoid mistakes
Parental alienation happens when one parent tries to turn a child against the other parent. This usually goes on in the case of divorce or separation. One parent launches a campaign of attack on the other in his or her absence.

Gaslighting: what it is and how to overcome
Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse in the which the perpetrator denies or diminishes your experience. It’s a cruel emotional manipulation that makes you doubt yourself and even reality.

How to understand your attachment style
The #1 reason we struggle in relationships is often due to our attachment style. This is the way we connect and communicate with our friends, family, and romantic partners.

How to navigate rupture and repair in relationships
Have you ever felt a relationship go to the next level after you have a fight for the first time then come back together? This is the magic of rupture and repair, an essential component to healthy relationships.

How to deal with avoidant attachment and dating
I recently re-read Attached, a seminal book on the topic of attachment styles in romantic relationships. One section of the book addresses the issue of avoidant attachment and dating.