Must reads to recognize & heal complex ptsd

How to overcome emotional dysregulation and its effects
Emotional dysregulation is marked by an inability to control one’s emotional responses and having outsized reactions to emotional stimuli.

How to tune into the present moment to alleviate worry
You may have heard that the present moment is the only one that matters. Much of our anxiety and unhappiness comes in dwelling on either the past or the future.

How to release attachment to the outcome and let go
When you grow up with unmet childhood needs, your brain gets rewired making it more difficult to release attachment to outcomes.

How to deal with emotionally immature people
I’m reading Recovering from Emotionally Immature Parents by Lindsay C. Gibson. It’s the follow-up to Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents which helped me understand why my parents could never give me what I needed.

How to overcome avoidance and head in the sand
Do you tend to put your head in the sand when challenges arise? Instead of facing something head on, do you struggle with avoidance of the issue?

The surprising reason for self-defeating behavior
Have you struggled to relate to advice books that tell you all you need to do is adopt new habits or take certain steps to stop self-defeating behavior?

Shame and guilt: how to know the difference
Since Brene Brown gave her famous talk, the pop culture difference between shame and guilt has become that the latter makes you feel bad for what you did. The former makes you feel bad for who you are.

How to take the air out of your revenge fantasies
Have you ever indulged in revenge fantasies? These are the normal outcome of feeling victimized or traumatized by others. Especially if you’ve suffered from PTSD, complex or otherwise.

Focus on what you want to have what you want
It may sound obvious, but the key to fulfilling your heart’s desires is to focus on what you want.

Why it's important to acknowledge negative emotions
When you have feelings you consider “bad”, do you try to avoid them? Instead of sinking into negative emotions, you talk yourself out of feeling that way.

How to stop overthinking and what makes us overthink
Many of us are plagued by overthinking, that hamster wheel of thoughts running around in our heads. Some call this “the committee”, that cacophony of voices steering them in different directions.

Fear and excitement and how to reframe them for success
Life coach Mel Robbins teaches that fear and excitement feel the same in our bodies. The only difference between the two is what happens in our brains.

What causes emotional triggers and how to overcome them
In recent years society has taken steps to protect us from potential emotional triggers. These include warnings on books and other media that give consumers the choice to avoid content that may unduly upset them.

How to let go of the need to control
Do you have control issues? If you find it hard to relax and make room for surprises in your life, there are probably good reasons for that.

How to let go of limiting beliefs that hold you back from your best life
What are limiting beliefs? They are those thoughts and feelings you take as fact that prevent you from living your best life.