Must reads to recognize & heal complex ptsd

How to comfort yourself when you’re scared
Have you experienced fear in your body when you had to give a speech or presentation? Did you comfort yourself or try to talk yourself out of your feelings?

3 myths about boundaries and how to navigate them
When you start healing from dysfunctional family dynamics, you learn the importance of setting boundaries. But those lessons from well-meaning people often re-inforce myths about boundaries that hinder your progress.

How to overcome avoidance strategies as coping mechanisms
If you grew up with unmet childhood needs, you may have adopted avoidance strategies as a way to cope. Instead of facing the issue head on, you distracted yourself from it.

How to stop feeling lonely even when you're not alone
Many of us feel lonely even in a crowd of people. In fact, you might withdraw because you feel more lonely with others than you do on your own.

How to know the difference between comfort and safety
There’s a lot of talk about getting outside your comfort zone and that’s valid. It’s important to stretch and challenge yourself in order to grow and heal.

Self care and courage: how to balance the two
Joseph Campbell said the cave you fear to enter is the one that holds the treasure you seek. While that’s true, it’s important to balance self care and courage when going into scary places.

How to do self care when you're a c-ptsd survivor
Most of us know the importance of self-care. However, for those of us dealing with c-ptsd, self care can feel elusive.

Is forgiveness necessary for healing and how to know
Is forgiveness necessary for healing? Especially if you come from a faith background, you’ve probably learned a lot about the power of forgiveness.

How to navigate learned helplessness in your life
If you feel like you have little control over the outcomes in your life, you may be suffering from learned helplessness. It happens when you give up easily and become passive because you feel nothing you do will make a difference.

How to be confident in spite of your circumstances
If you come from a background of childhood abuse and neglect, visibility might seem harder for you than for others. It’s more than a matter of introvert vs. extrovert tendencies, or simply getting over yourself.

How to care for your inner child: 5 ways
When we grow up with unmet childhood needs, we learn to put others’ needs ahead of our own. We ignore our own needs, or try to take care of them ourselves, which leads to a neglected inner child.

How to be kind to yourself
When you’re going through something hard are you kind to yourself? Or do you berate yourself for feeling the way you do?

How to approach trauma-informed self care
How do we care for ourselves when we never learned that we matter? That question differentiates trauma-informed self care from the everyday variety.

How to know if you're getting too much solitude
We all know a certain amount of solitude is good for you. But how much is too much? Rather than measure in hours or days, it helps to look at the reasons behind your desire for time alone.

What is self-connection and how to connect with yourself
Before you can be any good to the world or anyone else, you have to know yourself. That means self-connection, or re-learning who you were before you disowned the parts of you that felt unlovable.